Science died in Planetarium Jakarta
Eversince I arrived in Indonesia, I try to introduce my daughter to many occupations. She became very interested in those occupations and made them her ideals. Once she wanted to a computer programmer, an animal tamer, and the last one was an artist. She is particularly keen in drawing. I took her to places where she could she what these people with those occupation did.
These days, my daughter dreams to be an astronauts, after we played as spaceship crews.
Today i visited Planetarium in Taman Ismail Marzuki. My plan was to prepare my beloved daughter's visit to the site. I was very excited when I entered the hall. I remember when I was in my elementary years visiting this place with my school mates. I wanted to be like Captain James Tiberius Kirk from Star Trek - The Original Series. I don't recall any disappointment. It was a mission completed satisfactorily.
I don't like being sarcastic but my impression of my today's visit was just like being sucked into a time machine. When I entered the hall, everything I had seen when I was a child was still there. Many of them are antiques and broken. Has science died after I left the building years ago?
I keep wondering....
May I be able to plan as funtastic trip as mine was for my daughter.
May the force be with us.
Live long and prosper.
The final two sentences "May the force be with us. Live long and prosper" has no relevance to your article, it sounds so corny and pretentious.
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